Determination the comparative advantage of wheat, barley and rice production in Golestanprovince

Document Type : Original Article



In this paper, Golestan province comparative advantage in the production of wheat, barley and rice were studied by using the domestic resources cost(DRC) criteria. Based on the results, comparative advantage of Golestan province in desirable rice production and long grain yielding less than one and hence the productionof these products in Golestan province has advantage and competitiveness in the world markets. But wheat and barley production have no comparative advantage and opportunity cost of internal resources used in producing them far more than the value of the global world prices. In addition, the results revealed that sensitivity of comparative advantage of rice and wheat to changes in their yield global prices are low. This finding shows that comparative advantage representstabilityinrice productionandhighlights the difficultyof achievinginwheat.Butthe sensitivity ofcomparative advantage criteriaforirrigated barleyproduction especially for rainfed barleyisrelatively high. Therefore with so not much by increasing the yield or price, it will be possible to achieve a comparative advantage in production. 
