The effect of different levels of Zeolite, urea fertilizer and Azospirillum bacteria on yield and yield components of bread wheat

Document Type : Original Article



In order to study the effect of different levels of Zeolite, urea fertilizer and Azospirillumbacteria on growth characteristics, yield and yield components of wheat(Triticumaestivum L.) a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in research field in Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources in Gonbad-Kavous University in 2012-2013. The treatments included different amounts of zeolite containing zero, 5, 10 and 15 ton/ha and urea fertilizer levels of zero, 75, 150 and 225 kg in both inoculated and non-inoculated bacteria. The results showed that the main and interaction effects of zeolite, bacteria and urea in most traits were significant in 0.01 and 0.05 level of probability. The maximum value of the number of days to emergence (8.33 days), number of tillers (149.15), 1000-grain weight (44.69 kg), plant height (89.43 cm), number of spikelet's (23.89), the number of grains per spike (42.49) and percentage of nitrogen (2.53 percent) of the treated zeolite interaction (15 tons) and urea (225 kg) obtained. The maximum number of days to heading (128.67 days) in the treatment of bacteria and urea (75 kg) and number of days to Physiological maturity (159.48 days) in the treatment of zeolite (15 tons) and urea (150 kg) were observed; The other interaction had the same effect on growth period. The maximum yield (1336.62 g/m2) achieved from treatment that included 150 kg N and 5 ton zeolite per hectare.
