Comparison of different tillage systems effect on forage silage yield of corn

Document Type : Original Article



In order to investigate the effect of tillage systems on forage silage yield of corn (SC704 cultivar), an experiment was conducted in a complete block design, with four replications. The study was conducted in Mazandaran, Qaemshahr (31°28' N, 52°35' E) and Sari (36°42' N, 53°13' E) in 2012-2014. Tillage systems were in three levels: 1. No-tillage,2. Minimum tillage, 3.Plow and disk (Conventional tillage) .Special machine was used for planting. Harvesting was done by hand at dough stage (after milky stage). Plant height, ear diameter, kernel number in row, row number in ear, ear weight (wet and dry), stem weight (wet), stem weight (dry), leaf weigh t (wet and dry), silage yield (wet) and dry forage yield. The results indicated that there is no significant difference between the tillage systems on silage forage yield. The most silage yield was obtained from no tillage system with 42.53 t/ha.Tillage systems had significant effect on dry forage yield. The highest dry forage yield was obtained from no tillage system with 15.39 t/ha.
