Evaluation of yield and some agronomic traits of sunflower new hybrids in Mazandaranprovince

Document Type : Original Article



Introduction ofimproved sunflower hybrids by breeders would be as great important, due to their heterosis, uniformity and possessing resistance genes in different regions of the world as well as Iran. In order to evaluate 16 new sunflower hybrids and comparing them with 4 cultivating checks, i.e. Farrokh, Azargol, Hysun33 and Allstar, an experiment was conducted in an RCB design with four replications at Dashtenaz (Sari) Agricultural Research Station in 2011. Based on findings, effect of genotype was significant on all traits evaluated with the exception of head diameter. Mean comparison based on Duncan’s test revealed that, hybrids CMS51× R864andRF81-65×AF80-429/2/3 with 90 days of growth duration (Emergence-Physiological Maturity) were the most early maturing genotypes and had a shorter duration than checks. The promising hybrid RF81-131.1×AF81-222 with mean Seed yield of 3.936 t/ha, gained the first rank of crop yield. Therefore based on research results, to increase production of the crop and consequently the farmer's net income, planting this high yield hybrid could be suggested. 
