Comparison of bead wheat promising lines in farmers conditions of Aliabad region in Golestan province

Document Type : Original Article


1 1. Assistance of professor and Expert, respectively., Horticulture Crops Research Department, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Gorgan, Iran.

2 Expert of Extension., Golestan Agricultural Organization


In order to introduce superiority bread wheat lines to farmers, Three spring bread wheat lines which were selected from advanced experiments in agricultural researches, were evaluated with local check variety in the ecological conditions of Aliabad region of Golestan province. In this experiment, each line was planted in 2000 m2 on basis of 1000 kernel weight and 350 seed density per m2. In order to comparison grain yield mean with local check (Gonbad cultivar), 12 samples (area of each sample 1 m2) were taken in completely randomized for each plot. T test method was used for comparison the grain yield mean after thrashing of these samples. Results showed that grain yield mean of Gonbad cultivar had significant difference (1% probability) with N-91-17 and N-91-9 but N-91-8. Promised bread wheat line of N-91-9 produced 6405 kg/ha grain yield had 28 percent more than  local check Gonbad cultivar with 5003 kg/ha in grain yield. In base of this experiment results and former experiments, this line selected and introduced instead of local check for farmers.
