Review of Forecasting Models for Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat

Document Type : Original Article



Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium spp., is one of the limiting agents of wheat production which is reported from the diverse regions of the world, including the northern provinces of Iran. Disease infection occurs in flowering stage (anthesis), but the symptoms appears after that, therefore suitable time of fungicide application is in anthesis, before the symptom appearance. Considering this necessity and short time period for plant infection, forecasting of the disease is possible. Effort for disease forecasting was carried out in several places of the world and resulted in some countries such as Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Brazil and USA, and was presented as prediction online maps in internet websites. In Iran, a theoretical forecasting model is prepared, but its applicability is not proved. Now, a research is performing about statistical relationships among disease and weather variables.
