Documenting the process of wheat production in Golestan province

Document Type : Original Article



Documenting  the  production  process  in  agriculture  includes  providing  all  information  and  activities  that  shows  the  course  of  production  from  seedbed preparation  stage  to  harvest  stage.  For  this  purpose,  in  present  investigation  all  management  operations  performed  from  seedbed  preparation  stage  to  harvest  stage were  recorded  on 140 wheat  farms  in  Golestan province . In  this  study,  the  method  of performing  each  management  operation  undertaken  in  farms  from  stages  of  seedbed preparation to harvest as well as a proportion of farmers applying different method of  the  management  operations  were  determined  through  absolute  and  cumulative frequency distribution. Results showed that wheat crop had the most frequency as the previous crop in wheat cultivation. 80 percent of the wheat producers utilized the moldborad plow to perform the primary tillage. Also, grain drill and deep drill equipment had the most frequency as sowing equipment in wheat production. The use of combinate and grain drill had the maximum consumption of seed (181 and 192 Kg.ha-1, respectively) and the use of centrifuge machine and hand broadcasting (209 and 228 Kg.ha-1, respectively) had the minimum consumption of seed in wheat production. N80-19 and Koohdasht cultivars and lines used more than other cultivars. Basal fertilizers were urea, diamonium phosphate, superphosphate triple, sulphur, bentonite, potassium sulphate and complete fertilizers. In wheat production, farmers used boom sprayer more than other spraying equipment to control the herbicides. Irrigation were done from second half of March to first half of April. The second and third irrigations were performed in second half of April and first half of May, respectively. In this study, producers irrigated the farms for 1.51 times. Wheat were harvested from the middle of june to the end of june. Grain and straw yield were evaluated 3418±0.21 and 4178±0.23 kg.ha-1, respectively. Finally, It can be said that can be identified the strength and weaknes points of wheat cultivation by performing the documentin process in wheat production and  is planned more researches to improve the production process and increasing the wheat grain yield
