Grain yield assessment of advanced genotypes of bread wheat in farmers’ fields under rain-fed conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Seed and Plant improvement Research Department, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Master, LorestanAgricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Iran


In order to selection and introduction of cultivars or lines with high yield in farmers’ fields, four advanced genotypes of bread wheat and two control cultivar, namely, Karim and Kouhdasht, were cultivated in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications at two semi-arid regions of Kouhdasht (Davood Rashid and Tang Ghaleh) in 2012-2013 cropping years. Cultivars and lines were evaluated for agronomic traits and grain yield during cropping season. Finally, grain yield of each trial plot was measured on complete mature stage. Results of combined variance analysis showed that evaluated genotypes had significant difference at 1% level of probability for grain yield and 1000 grain weight. Location effect was significant for grain yield and 1000 grain weight that indicated difference of two environment effects on these traits. Results of means comparison were showed that cultivar Karim and line G2 had the most grain yield as compared with other lines, measured as 2636 and 2163 kg/ha, respectively. Also, the lowest grain yield was belonged to line G1. According to high grain yield and other desirable agronomic characteristic, line G2 and cultivar Karim are recommended for cultivation under rain-fed conditions of Kouhdasht and similar climate. 
