Evaluation of changes in morphological, functional and yield components of bread wheat genotypes to planting date and seed density

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of Scientific Board of Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

2 MSc in Agriculture of Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

3 Assistant Professor,Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center


To study the effect of planting date, variety and plant density on yield components, and seed yield of wheat, a split plot design was conducted with three factors based on randomized complete block design with three replications during 2013-14 in Gharakheil Agricultural Research Station of Mazandaran. The main factor was included three planting dates (20 November, 10 December, 21 December ), sub factor maintained two wheat cultivars (dome and N-87-20) and sub-sub plots was the amount of seed in three levels (350, 425 and 500 per square meter). Results of analysis showed that all traits were significantly affected by sowing date. Spike length and number of grains per spike was also significantly affected by seed rates. Varities were significantly genetically different for all traits. Interaction effects of sowing dates and varieties was only significant for plant height at the 5% level. The results of this study showed that the N-87-20, 350 plants per square meter planting date of 20 November and the highest grain yield and recommended to the Caspian region.
