Evaluation Effect of Mycorrhiza Inoculums with Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Symbiosis in Ameliorating Salinity Stress in Golestan Province

Document Type : Original Article



This research was conducted to evaluate mycorrhiza symbiosis in acclimating plants under salinity. Four barley genotypes (Sahra, Mahoor,Yousef and Line4) with and without mycorrhiza treatments were planted on saline soils (16-20 dSm-1) in Golestan province using completely randomized block design. In order to study on root characteristics, PVC pipes were inserted around seedlings. After harvest, traits such as seed1000weight, spike dry weight, number of seed in spike, yield, root volume, root area and root dry weight, mycorrhiza dependency, mycorrhizal colonization percent, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium of rhizosphere and root, sodium and choloride content root were studied. Data were analyzed using SAS software. Results showed that mycorrhizal dependency in Line 4 and Sahra were 88.7% and 48.6%, respectively. Percent of mycorrhiza colonization in root of Line 4 was highest than other genotypes. Mycorrhiza symbiosis enhanced grain yield as well as root dry weight and root volume. Line 4 symbiosism with mycorrhiza had highest biomass, spike dry weight, yield, and number seed per spike and seed1000 weight. Roots of Line 4 with mycorrhiza had highest Nitrogen, phosphorus concentrations, but K and Na contents of root were decreased. Mycorrhiza regulated cation and anion absorption by roots and decreased Na, Cl and SO4 accumulation in rhizosphere (p<0.05). 
