Economic evaluation of new and neglect forage crop in Golestan Province

Document Type : Original Article



In order to measurement and comparison of yield income and profitability of some new crop and neglect crop, included of Triticale (check treatments),  Canola, Broad Bean,Monk's rhubarb, Beet, Field pea, Grass pea and Hairy Vetch,  this experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times at Agricultural Research Station of Gorgan. For economical study and comparison of treatments profitability, partial budgeting method was applied. Quantitative experiment results showed that; Canola’s forage and Field pea with yield of 14.43 ton ha-1 and 6.47 ton ha-1 had the highest and lowest forage yield respectively. Among studied treatments, fresh forage yield of canola and Broad Bean was more than fresh yield of triticale but fresh yield of Monk's rhubarb, Field pea, Grass pea and Hairy Vetch was less than fresh yield of triticale(as a check treatments). The benefit of forage canola in average  10540012 Rl was more than triticale benefit, however the benefit of ,Monk's rhubarb, Grass pea and Hairy Vetch, but it is positive.  So development of this crop depends on conditions and in some area of state recommendable. But there is no economical profitability in Golestan province for planting of forage Beet and Field pea. Based of first and second year results it could be concluded that; planting of  forage Canola, Triticale Broad Bean,Monk's rhubarb, Grass pea and Hairy Vetch, and planting of Beet and Field pea for forage there is no economical benefit.
