تناسب اراضی، سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی، الگوی رقومی ارتفاع، تحلیل سلسله مراتبی.

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Student Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Gonbad Kavous.

2 Associate Professor Department of Agronomy, Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

3 PhD. Student Plant Physiology/University of Gonbad Kavous


Efficient use of lands requires accurate assessment of agricultural ecology sources. Assessment of land suitability is a prerequisite for sustainable agriculture and plays an important role in the planning of nest-based agriculture. Tools such as GIS can be helpful in this regard. In this work, in order to determine land suitability of Gorganroud basin for wheat production, some parameters, such as climatic parameters (temperature and rainfall) and topography parameters (slope and aspect), are used. Analytical Hierarchy approach helps us to determine coefficient of effective factors on possibility of wheat production. Zoning Gorganroud basin from production capability viewpoint, long-term yield data of wheat yield of Golestan Province were collected. Interpolation yield is performed by using Inverse distance weighted (IDW) approach, and also land salinity maps of the province is provided. Results show that in Gorganroud basin, 74 percent of dry land is suitable for cultivation and 26 percent are relatively suitable, and total of irrigated lands are suitable for cultivation. In 93 percent of lands under dry wheat cultivation and 66 percent of lands under irrigated wheat cultivation, the desirable conditions are not achieved. EC information specifies that 6 percents of irrigated land and 66 percents of dry lands face with more than 14 dS.m-1 salinity. These areas have lower yield that average yield of the province due to this fact that EC more than 14 dS.m-1 cause 50 percent reduction in germination. In 4879 hectare of irrigated lands and 58078 hectare of dry land, although there are a desirable value of salinity however they have lower yield than average yield of the province which is due to poor management of local farmers. These facts demonstrate that we necessarily need to review the management options.
